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  • bullet46 started the topic Ideas on Direction from Here? My Situation in the forum Help Needed! 5 years, 10 months ago

    Hey Guys,
    I haven’t visited this forum in some years but used to always be on here. My wife and I have had experience with property investing in the past, but I believe my strategy, along with having children, has changed. In the past we were operating on this system: small home loan on our PPOR and then investment properties (n/geared). We ended…[Read more]

  • bullet46 started the topic Where to from here…? Appreciate some advice in the forum General Property 8 years, 10 months ago

    Hello everyone,

    I am looking for a little advice on my current situation…

    My wife and I (both 28) have been investing since 2012. We have done reasonably well, but with the arrival of our first child, it has caused us to reassess our direction.

    Currently we have:
    3 Bedroom house, purchase price was $245000, estimated value $320000, rent…[Read more]

  • bullet46 started the topic Where to from here…? Appreciate some advice in the forum General Property 8 years, 10 months ago

    Hello everyone,

    I am looking for a little advice on my current situation…

    My wife and I have been investing since 2012. We have done reasonably well, but with the arrival of our first child, it has caused us to reassess our direction.

    Currently we have:
    3 Bedroom house, purchase price was $245000, estimated value $320000, rent $310/week
    3…[Read more]

  • bullet46 replied to the topic Crazy tenant demands in the forum General Property 9 years, 2 months ago

    Haha – love these types of things.

    I once received one because the line on the clothes line was a tad loose. It was a brand new property so it had obviously stretched by a very minimal amount.

  • bullet46 replied to the topic Self Managed Property Issues in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 2 months ago

    In this same situation myself and have been for years…
    Tenant says they have no pets, then I find out they have 2 or 3 and they are inside. The lesson I have learnt over the years, across many of my investment properties, is to not sweat the small things. Ask yourself: are they paying the rent on time? have they ever missed a payment? are the…[Read more]

  • bullet46 started the topic Tax/Accounting Question releasing equity in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 3 months ago

    Hello all,

    I have a question that boils down to tax implications and wanting an understanding before making a mistake.

    I am looking to release approximately $100,000 of usable equity out of one of my investment properties to use for another venture. If my circumstances change 12 months after releasing that equity and I am forced to sell the…[Read more]

  • bullet46 started the topic Tax/Accounting Questing releasing equity in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 3 months ago

    Hello all,

    I have a question that boils down to tax implications and wanting an understanding before making a mistake.

    I am looking to release approximately $100,000 of usable equity out of one of my investment properties to use for another venture. If my circumstances change 12 months after releasing that equity and I am forced to sell the…[Read more]

  • bullet46 started the topic Unapproved enclosed garage… in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 9 months ago

    Hey guys,

    Looking into a house at the moment and upon receiving a council report I found that the enclosed garage is not approved. The owner of the house is a tradie, however, I am concerned as I will have tenants in the property. The room is not being used a bedroom at the moment. The current tenant has transformed it into a bar/sitting…[Read more]

  • bullet46 replied to the topic How to evict a tenant? in the forum Help Needed! 9 years, 10 months ago

    I cannot remember who my wife chose to have our insurances through, but I am pretty sure we pay around $900 per property/year.

  • bullet46 replied to the topic Anything wrong with my strategy? in the forum General Property 9 years, 11 months ago

    Good question – the PPOR would probably be worth $440000… I will always regret letting that house go however, I really feel that by selling it I have kick started myself to invest further. I also look at the equity I have created in the duplex and can see it exceeds equity I had in the PPOR.

    I know that by building up my offset account and…[Read more]

  • bullet46 replied to the topic Anything wrong with my strategy? in the forum General Property 9 years, 11 months ago

    Hi Guys,

    Almost 2 years later and I felt like writing an update:

    I am now 27 years old, still married :) and no kids on the scene yet. I’m still property investing and here’s where I am up to:

    Combined income is around the same $190000.

    Investment property 1: (2012) Purchase price $245000, Bank valued at $305000 on I/O, secured by itself -…[Read more]

  • bullet46 replied to the topic Rockville -suburb of Toowoomba in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 4 months ago

    In my opinion, Rockville is one of the least desirable suburbs of Toowoomba. I know this because I live in Toowoomba.

  • bullet46 replied to the topic Can anyone recommend a good property manager in Toowoomba? in the forum General Property 11 years, 4 months ago

    Great to hear!

  • bullet46 replied to the topic beginning investor from 2 properties to 4 – My strategy! in the forum General Property 11 years, 5 months ago

    Catalyst – Duplex won't be strata titled and after speaking to the bank twice, I have been informed that the loan on the duplex can be split into two separate loans. You're right about the properties being cross collaterised, but I'm happy for this to happen in order to form securities. We are both on great incomes and I'm confident that we can…[Read more]

  • bullet46 replied to the topic beginning investor from 2 properties to 4 – My strategy! in the forum General Property 11 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Simple,

    Wow, I'm really motivated you mentioned the buffer account as that's exactly the language we have been talking. I told my wife that we'd get into the unit, own it outright and then get all 3 investment properties neutrally geared. From the moment they are neutrally geared we would create a buffer account so that we are protected should…[Read more]

  • bullet46 replied to the topic Can anyone recommend a good property manager in Toowoomba? in the forum General Property 11 years, 6 months ago

    Hi Rachelrodrigues,

    I have mine through Toowoomba City Realty and they have been nothing short of perfect. They charge a flat fee of $110 per month and have been prompt when following up concerns. I knew they were a good company when my friend (a renter) said they didn't like them because they are too picky :D my reply was "perfect".


  • bullet46 replied to the topic Urgent help needed… House with unapproved extra room. in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 7 months ago

    Hi Shape,
    Is it an internal wall when they built a deck and essentially closed it in to make a room. They then knocked down and internal wall to create open plan living.

  • bullet46 replied to the topic Anything wrong with my strategy? in the forum General Property 11 years, 9 months ago

    Hi JacM,

    The reason i eventually want to do build a duplex and live in one side is for a couple of reasons.

    1) We have only ever built properties brand new and we still wanted a "nice" newer house for ourselves. Something that we can stay in for many years while we cement a decent property portfolio.
    2) It may sound silly, but we have a couple…[Read more]

  • bullet46 replied to the topic Anything wrong with my strategy? in the forum Ok. 11 years, 9 months ago

    Once I sell my current PPOR and buy my next one, I was planning on keeping the new ppor as I/O as I believe it’ll eventaully become an investment property itself. I wanted to pay it down in full so that we can devote our funds to the offset accounts of the IPs. Im located in QLD so not sure about the benefits of putting it in different…[Read more]

  • bullet46 replied to the topic Privately renting out my property? in the forum Help Needed! 11 years, 10 months ago

    Wow, ok, good advice.

    I was worried about all the things you mentioned. I wonder if it'd be better to get a steady tennant through a PM and then drop the PM once I see that the tennants are doing the right thing…

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