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  • Bonbeach replied to the topic Auction houses in and around Melbourne in the forum bit of a drive??? 17 years, 5 months ago

    bit of a drive??? hahaCheltenham is 15 20km from the CBD???? lolclassic :P

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic Construction loan delays in the forum Finance 17 years, 5 months ago

    I hate RAMS. Enough said :) Have a nice day.

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic Melbourne suburbs with bad reputation in the forum No Subject 18 years, 7 months ago

    I have lived in Melbourne for nearly 2 years now. I grew up in Perth, and then moved to Sydney for a year then here to Melbourne.

    I love Melbourne, so for anyone to badmouth it you will upset me :)

    First thing I learnt about Melbourne was Frankston. Bad area. -or is it? Cominf from Perth, I knew of many worse areas and as for Sydney, you can pay 4…[Read more]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic Mornington Peninsula – Melbourne in the forum General Property 18 years, 7 months ago

    I agree, Eastlink is going to change everything from Chelsea to Mornington.

    I have a property in Bonbeach and have just bought one in Seaford. Both 300m from the beach, both have decent houses on them, both on dual occ size blocks. Bonbeach was bought in 2005 for 255k and Seaford in 2006 for 235k.

    These areas HAVE to increase in value when…[Read more]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic Burns Beach Estate – WA in the forum Value Adding 19 years, 4 months ago

    A friend of mine grabbed one of these, 3 blocks back from the beach around 660m2 and paid $555 000 with settlement expected around Feb 2006.

    My parents have a house in Mindarie 850m2 with 180 degree ocean views, 2 storey (awesome place) they paid $180k for this block in 2000…

    Who knows….

    If I had a spare 550k to chuck into a block I would,…[Read more]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic accountant in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Mark Harris from Accounting West in Bunbury. Not sure if he owns properties or not, I guess thats a question for you to ask!

    If you want an accountant that DOES own properties, I use an accountant in Perth, PM me for his details if you want someone outside Bunbury.

    I am in Melbourne, and agree with others that they do not have to be in your home…[Read more]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic 95% Lo- Docs in the forum Finance 19 years, 6 months ago

    Thanks guys for that, much better understanding now.

    Dev* [kid]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic 95% Lo- Docs in the forum Finance 19 years, 6 months ago

    4 properties will value at around 900k plus, but to be safe lets go on 900…(total)

    Intention is to prove figures in 12-36 months time and either change loan products from that lender to another (hence my question about early pmt penalties) or stick with them on a reasonable rate… -preferably the standard variable rate

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic 95% Lo- Docs in the forum Finance 19 years, 6 months ago

    Sorry for the 10,000 questions…

    Would the lender ‘Pioneer’ be one of those that reduces the IR to a standard variable rate after,say, 3 years with full financials?

    If not, are there any significant penalties for early repayment of this sort of product?

    One more… How difficult is it to get a lo-doc approved with a LMI company when you are…[Read more]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic 95% Lo- Docs in the forum Finance 19 years, 6 months ago

    Might just work if I can go up to $1 mil… nice

    Will keep it in mind, thanks!

    Is there anyone else doing this or is this the best deal for this sort of thing at the moment…?

    If they saw my last 2 years tax returns would that help (maybe slightly lower IR?)

    I have just left me job you see and no longer have the PAYG income. My income will…[Read more]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic 95% Lo- Docs in the forum Finance 19 years, 6 months ago

    I guess I didnt put much thought into what I actually expected it to be, just asking out of interest (so to speak). I am going through one of those mid life crises that you have (at 25 mind you) where I am looking at many possibilities. :)

    Is there a maximum loan amount for this loan? (some lo docs used to be under 500k or under $1 mil)

    Who is the…[Read more]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic Do you know of BDM material? in the forum Help Needed! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Sounds exactly what I am looking for, but I am in Victoria! Happy to discuss options though if you guys are looking to move into the Melb area [laugh2]

    Dev* [kid]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic Investor wanted for franchise… where to find? in the forum Finance 19 years, 6 months ago


    Thanks for your reply. When I say ‘active’ in the business, I mean this person wouldnt have to participate in the day to day activities. This sort of person may have another career and wants to simply ‘invest’ his or her money. This person would be regularly (weekly or monthly) be informed on the progress of the business and have the…[Read more]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic is there a section for development opportunities in the forum No Subject 19 years, 6 months ago

    There is a ‘rule’ of the website that you cannot advertise any opportunities you (or someone else) has available -so I you can just use the forums for information… There is a development section which may help, however.

    Dev* [kid]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic 95% Lo- Docs in the forum Finance 19 years, 6 months ago

    8.99% hrmmm

    I guess its risky for them… interesting though…

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic Investor wanted for franchise… where to find? in the forum Finance 19 years, 6 months ago

    With the franchise I am intending on purchasing, I can borrow up to 60% from a Bank (which is what I intend on doing)… Having funds tied up elsewhere at the moment prevents me from getting the other 40% myself, which is the reason for the search for a private investor. Sorry, I should have clarified this in my original post. [laugh2]

    Dev* [kid]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic Investor wanted for franchise… where to find? in the forum Finance 19 years, 6 months ago

    ….and to clarify, the investor would have no part in the day-to-day operation of the business and the contract would state the period of time in which (I) would pay back the initial debt. There is however, a possibility that there MAY be an agreement in place where the investor DOES have a part in the daily operations, in which case one party…[Read more]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic Investor wanted for franchise… where to find? in the forum Finance 19 years, 6 months ago


    Thanks for your reply.

    Whats in it for the investor? This investor (as a partner in the business) would obviously be taking some of the risk involved with the business and therefore the rewards. Given that the franchise is internationally recognised, and with a solid, detailed and accurate business plan, I would expect that this could be…[Read more]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic Richmond is a DADDY!! in the forum No Subject 19 years, 6 months ago

    congratulations mate! [grad]

  • Bonbeach replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum Opinionated! 19 years, 6 months ago

    Devil Yellow CV8 Monaro, Manual.

    AND I love it [laugh2]

    (hence Devilcv8 as my username)

    Dev * [kid]

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