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Benjamin Csikos

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic Ben VS the Dog in the River in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 9 months ago

    Hmm, you’re looking at Lockyer valley, darling downs and south Burnett areas. Ranging from 1 to 250 acres and prices all over the shop, 30 acres for 55k in one spot. Some pretty gorgeous blocks actually, some that went up 44% in value in the last quarter. Booming. I’m slowly getting tempted to buy some myself along with some horses… But I’m…[Read more]

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic 3 Day Mega Conference opinion. in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 9 months ago

    Hey dwolfe, My next post WAS about the dog experience. Have a look ‘ben vs the dog on the river.’ I put it up last night. :) I’m totally going to tell that story in my autobiography when I’m a trillionaire from working my way through the big black box. :)

    And as a side note, HOW GOOD WAS PETER DANIELS! if people wanted informative meat, he was it. It…[Read more]

  • Ha! I only just read the responses to this. Had no idea anyone was looking out for me… Till someone approached me at the conference and said “hey! Playdough man!”


  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic 3 Day Mega Conference opinion. in the forum Well, I went, and I freakin’ 14 years, 9 months ago

    Well, I went, and I freakin' loved it.Look at the facts people.  It was CHEAP. For the price, it was pretty good.  I got my ticket for 300 bucks, for a 3 day conference, and the time it saved me was massive.  I'm usually open to all forms of opportunities so in normal life whenever someone invites me to a business event of some kind, I tend to wi…[Read more]

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic How NOT to put up a fence. in the forum Thanks Gang :)
    It’s just an
    14 years, 9 months ago

    Thanks Gang :)It's just an outlet to anyone that'll listen, maybe Steve will bring out a magazine of some sort and pay for my stories or something. ha!

  • I'm going! :) is what I look like, you're welcome to spot me in the crowd and say Hi :)

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic Ben VS the world. in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 10 months ago

    Haha, quite the compliment. I HAVE considered hollywood, it's just the getting recognised there that's the hard part ;)

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic Ben VS the world. in the forum haha. No no, completely 14 years, 11 months ago

    haha. No no, completely different.You might have heard about the government grant that was going around for insulation?  $1600 dollars the government would give to anyone that insulated their house. That meant that you could knock on someones doors, offer them insulation, make a very healthy profit for doing the job, but the government paid for…[Read more]

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic Ben VS the world. in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 11 months ago

    No, I work in an office in west end. I fight traffic for an hour or more a day, Why do you ask?

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic Ben VS the world. in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 11 months ago

    Hey you wanted to see a preview of my house…This is just the unit (dual occupancy) my side is a lot bigger with more expensive stuff, but I'm stoked about the kitchens.I was originally quoted for just the granite benchtop in the kitchen in my side.   Later on we found someone that imported kitchens. He gave us a quote to do TWO kitchens, the l…[Read more]

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic New to PI in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    Well, hand holding is my job.  I'm the guy that knows a guy. I find people that want to buy property, and then get them connected with the right people to  help them step by step. Want financial advice? I find you an advisor. Need an accountant? I get one for you. Want to buy a property? I get you in front of a buyers agent. Need a property m…[Read more]

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic New to PI in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    What they all said.Nothing like a free internet forum. If someone is pushing an agenda, the others will see through it pretty quick and give 'em a smashing.

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic Over looking i need a Pro who deals with Investing?? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    Oh and Pete,  sounds like you're looking for someone to hold your hand and give you confidence.Truth of the matter is, it's extremely rare to find someone that is happy to give good, solid, well educated advice that isn't pushing a hidden agenda of some sort.   There really is no substitute for your own education. My best advice?  Go down to the…[Read more]

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic Over looking i need a Pro who deals with Investing?? in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    You need a license to hunt down cashflow positive properties?Come on now. Anyone can spend their day surfing the internet and hunting through property websites, and then pass it to a friend. Why would you need a license for that?

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic Help – Why won’t anyone rent out my investment property :-( in the forum Help Needed! 14 years, 11 months ago

    I'd advertise myself and see what happens.  Put an ad in the paper somewhere for 50-100 bucks, and see if you can do a better job than your property manager. If you get plenty of inquiry, you know they're not doing their jobs.

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic The stress of moving house in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 11 months ago

    Lol.When I am obscenely rich with more money than I know what to do with, I'm sure I'll buy a boat.. and take up golf.That will be fun for about, oh 18 seconds when I realise I get sea sick, hate the smell of fish, and find golf really, really boring.

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic The stress of moving house in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 11 months ago

    Sounds like touch to me. Personally, I hate cleaning up the house. I really wouldn't care if I slept with rats. I just keep it clean because a happy wife is a happy life. It's pretty easy to keep a guy happy. Sex and a paycheque.  If he's getting both, he's happy. Women on the other hand???  It's all over the shop at any given time. It's like a c…[Read more]

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic The stress of moving house in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 11 months ago

    Lol!   Uhoh… sounds like the wrong tactic.It's all about the 5 languages of love.  Words of affirmation, Time spent, Touch, Acts of service, Gifts.  Everyone gives and recieves love in one of these languages.Mine is Words of affirmation and touch.Nicky's is heavily acts of service.  You can both be saying the same thing to eachother but it&#…[Read more]

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic The stress of moving house in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 11 months ago

    Actually, this reminds me of a video I made one month after we got married. I've learned a lot since then. Check it out.

  • Benjamin Csikos replied to the topic Ben VS the world. in the forum Forum Frolic 14 years, 11 months ago

    Sure can Young Investor!  I've already shot the footage, just need to cut it up a bit and get it uploaded… you may have noticed I tend to make a lot of youtube videos about everything and anything, and moving into my house was definitely some good material.  All the moving trucks get started this saturday, so I'll probably film a time lapse of m…[Read more]

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Benjamin Csikos

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