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  • barney2803 replied to the topic SMSF to invest in property in the forum Finance 16 years, 10 months ago

    thanks for the advice guys. The only reason my simple mind can figure the $120k is needed in your super to make it cost effective is maybe due to the average price of an investment property in aus. If i have $40k in super, is there any reason why i couldnt spend $30k on the deposit, $10k on fees etc, then borrow at 80% for a $150k  property (yes…[Read more]

  • barney2803 replied to the topic SMSF to invest in property in the forum Finance 16 years, 10 months ago

    oops! i forgot the auto signature. Sorry folks.

  • barney2803 replied to the topic What type of vehicle do you have ?? in the forum A 2001 Falcon SR wagon with 17 years, 5 months ago

    A 2001 Falcon SR wagon with 200k on the clock, picked it up for $6000 an absolute BARGAIN!!!!!! Great to drive, no funny noises just a big number on the odometer. We also got an 02 Nissan PAtrol ST for the weekends shooting and for towing the ski boat to the river. Got it cheap too!!! my motto: like buying IP's "buy under market price" and we did:…[Read more]

  • barney2803 replied to the topic Ipswich area?? in the forum General Property 17 years, 5 months ago

    One of my mates is building 350 homes in Ipswich. Its a pretty safe bet i reckon too.

  • barney2803 replied to the topic How to keep up with costs? in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 6 months ago

    hi all, I work in Craigmore and live in Blakeview. And yes, NORTHERN Adeialde is THE next HUGE thing.Like all the areas out this way there are good areas and bad and unfortunatley its not a cut and dry and you cant say "this side of that street is good and the rest is bad". Craigmore has DEFINITELY got some dodgy areas but also some great…[Read more]

  • barney2803 replied to the topic Construction loan for development project in the forum Finance 17 years, 6 months ago

    Excellent, thanks very helpfuol. Can you tell me what bank you are using? .At this stage we have had initial proceddings with Westpacs buisiness arm and they are (from what i have heard) reluctant to lend us what we want because we arent seasoned developers. We are now considering trying elsewhere.

  • barney2803 replied to the topic DAVOREN PARK SA in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 6 months ago

    My opinion is in line with your comments. The north of SA is REALLY HOT!!!! Up until the last few years the common comment that "nothing happens north of gepps cross" was true except for crime! I have lived all up the eastern seaboard and moved to SA in 2003 right before the boom hit here. I built in a new area in blakeview, not down near main…[Read more]

  • barney2803 replied to the topic Construction loan for development project in the forum Finance 17 years, 6 months ago

    As the final sale is an end of line sale in terms of selling from a business to a private, it was my understanding that in this end sale GST was not claimable. Is this incorrect?

  • barney2803 replied to the topic development loans in the forum Creative Investing 17 years, 6 months ago

    hutch, do you have to then pay GST on the sales if it is all through your trust?

  • barney2803 replied to the topic Construction loan for development project in the forum Finance 17 years, 6 months ago

    OK thanks, however do i need to pay GST etc if i buy the properties in a trust/business name? What conditions are there thatmake me have to pay GST on the sale then?

  • barney2803 replied to the topic Construction loan for development project in the forum Finance 17 years, 6 months ago

    The other option is to go again with westpac but get a commerical loan called a EVL end value loan or Gross Realisation loan. This is similar to what Kim used but money is lent to a business name. The disadvantage of this is that GST is then required to be paid on the sale of the properties. Kim, how did you get around having to borrow money on a…[Read more]

  • barney2803 replied to the topic Community Title Requirements- Adelaide in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 6 months ago

    I suggest contacting Steed and Phol surveyors in Norwood, speak to Mark Goedecke. I am using him for a development in Murray Bridge of 16 houses. He seems to be very reliable and thorough!

  • barney2803 replied to the topic A word to everyone in the forum General Property 17 years, 7 months ago

    I am not a bully, nor am i putting anyone down. Bullying is not allowed in schools, so why would it be acdpetable here? Bullying is for cowards,,,,,, not me. I just have spent a week going through the last 3 years of posts on this website and it SEEMS to me that there are a large number of people who think that they will be able to make a fortune…[Read more]

  • barney2803 replied to the topic Real Estate Ethics in the forum Help Needed! 17 years, 7 months ago

    what does God have to do with real estate ethics?  I say  EVERYTHING!!!! If your beleif in God is real and true then everything you do is governed by that beleif. Regarding trusting people: As they said in the movie "The italian job" "trust everyone, just dont trust the devil inside of them".  This is true, and in my experience it is unf…[Read more]

  • barney2803 replied to the topic Adelaide What’s going on??? in the forum General Property 17 years, 7 months ago

    I have lived in Sydney and all up the coast to Coffs Harbour. I have watched the values rise right up and down the east coast, then i moved to adelaide 5 years ago. When i moved here i got a 600m2 block in a new estate in the north (yes the north) about 1min drive from One Tree Hill, equivalent to Dural in Sydney, and i paid $48000!!!! 6 months…[Read more]


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